新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皇马宣布飞翼肩膀脱臼或休3周 无缘欧冠强敌

皇马宣布飞翼肩膀脱臼或休3周 无缘欧冠强敌

Real Madrid announced a flying wing dislocated shoulder or 3 weeks' champions league rivals

2016-02-10 04:08:56来源: 新浪

马塞洛将长期伤缺 新浪体育讯 北京时间2月10日,西甲皇家马德里官方宣布,球队左后卫马塞洛右肩脱臼,可能要休战3周,铁定无缘欧冠与罗马的淘汰赛首回合。 上周2-1战胜格拉纳达的比赛中,马塞洛...

Marcelo will long-term lack of sina sports - Beijing time on February 10, the Spanish real Madrid officials announced that the team left-back marcelo dislocated right shoulder, may be another 3 weeks, will be out of the champions league knockout round first leg with Rome. Last week, 2 to 1 victory over granada, marcelo...