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精英测试今日开启 《传奇永恒》再战玛法

Elite test today open the eternal legend and method

2015-12-10 13:22:02来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 《传奇永恒》在玩家的热情呼声中,精英测试于今日下午两点开启。游戏继承战法道的经典职业体系,延续传奇强PK的经典玩法与设定,重构恢宏瑰丽的玛法大陆,双线服“兄弟”在此恭候五湖四海的玩家兄弟。在今日首发的精英测试版本中,新增玩法去体验更多乐趣,六大活动为冲级保驾护航,更邀请知名主...

Sina game - the eternal legend in the player's enthusiasm for elite test open at two o 'clock in the afternoon on today. Game inheritance methods of classic professional system, continued strong legendary PK of classical mechanics and setting, refactoring grand and magnificent mainland method, double suit "brother" brothers all over the world waiting for players. In today's starting elite test version, the new game to experience more fun, is the escort impact grade six major activities, and more inviting well-known master...