新关注 > 信息聚合 > Forgame: 挑战小说、影视、手游泛娱乐化时代

Forgame: 挑战小说、影视、手游泛娱乐化时代

Novels of Forgame: challenge, film and television, mobile games pan entertainment era

2015-08-06 20:01:04来源: 电玩巴士

2015年8月1日13:30,在2015 ChinaJoy现场,Forgame集团联合北京易科成志、《鬼吹灯》小说作者天下霸唱、万达影视传媒有限公司、《鬼吹灯寻龙诀》电影制作人、VR产业人和北京米润等多位重量级嘉宾于上海嘉里酒店召开圆桌会议——IP跨界新思路之案例分析《鬼吹灯》。旨在通过...

2015 in August 1, 13:30, in 2015 scene ChinaJoy, forgame group joint Beijing Yi of Zhi, "ghost blows lamp" fiction writer in the World Ba sing, Wanda television media Co., Ltd., "ghost blows lamp find dragon Jue filmmaker, VR industry and Beijing meters run number of heavyweight guests in Shanghai Kerry Hotel held a roundtable -- new ideas for cross-border IP case analysis" ghost blows out the light ". Aimed at through...

标签: 手游