新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016中国人权蓝皮书发布


The 2016 human rights in China blue book published

2016-10-10 22:18:40来源: 中国新闻网

新华社北京10月10日电 近日,由中国人权研究会组织编写的《中国人权事业发展报告(2016)》(人权蓝皮书)正式发布。这是中国人权研究会自2011年以来连续出版发行的第六部人权蓝皮书。 蓝皮书由...

Beijing on October 10 (xinhua) recently, written by the Chinese society for the study of human rights organization "human rights in China business development report (2016)" (blue book) on human rights official release. This is China's human rights institute since 2011 publication of the sixth consecutive blue book on human rights. Blue book by...