新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同比增长9.7% 长安品牌乘用车提前两月销售过百万

同比增长9.7% 长安品牌乘用车提前两月销售过百万

Changan brand passenger car two months in advance sales rose 9.7% over one million

2016-11-04 19:56:21来源: 中国新闻网

中新网11月4日电 2016年10月,长安品牌乘用车年销量提前两月再破100万辆,达到104.4万辆,同比增长24.4%。 同时前10月,长安汽车累计销售249.1万辆,同比增长9.4%;长安品...

Beijing, Nov. 4 (xinhua) in October 2016, changan brand passenger car sales in advance two months to 1 million, 1.044 million vehicles, up 24.4% from a year earlier. At the same time before October, changan accumulative total sales of 2.491 million units, up 9.4% from a year earlier. Changan...