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绅士最爱的美少女游戏佳作盘点 性感妹纸香艳绝色

Gentleman love the most beautiful girl game masterpiece inventory sexy sister paper eclectic stunning

2015-03-31 07:03:25来源: 大河网

绅士爱美女,天经地义。在男权主义盛行的游戏世界中,同样不缺相貌智慧品格出类拔萃的“乱世佳人”,她们从一开始总是被拯救的配角、花瓶,一点点成长为可以和男性角色分庭抗礼、甚至独挑大梁的中流砥柱,如今她们早已成为了游戏世界中那一道不可错过的靓丽风景。 而作为一名绅士玩家,更要游戏与美女两手...

gentleman loves beauty, as unalterable principles. In a male dominated popular game world, also do not lack wisdom character looks rise above the common herd "gone with the wind" from the beginning, they always be saved supporting mainstay, vase, a little growth for the male role as an equal, even can alone, now they have already become the game world that a miss the beautiful scenery. As a gentleman's game player, game more to beauty and hands...

标签: 游戏