新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五省设备检查费大降 医疗器械企业或受冲击

五省设备检查费大降 医疗器械企业或受冲击

Five provinces equipment inspection fee down medical equipment companies or impact

2016-01-29 09:13:41来源: 医药网

医药网1月29日讯 自2015年第四季度起,“降价”似乎成了医疗器械圈子的代名词。不仅仅是医用耗材费用下降,医用设备检查费也跟着降了下来。 五省设备检查费大降 广东:据悉,广东省公立医院设备...

Medical network January 29 - since the fourth quarter of 2015, "the price" seems to be a medical circles. Is not only a medical consumables costs fell, the medical equipment examination also follow. Five provinces equipment inspection fee Guangdong: it is reported that guangdong province public hospital equipment...