新关注 > 信息聚合 > 上班狗挤地铁必备的英文表达


Dogs crowded subway work necessary to express in English

2017-08-26 09:31:20来源: 搜狐新闻

地铁,是大家首选的出行交通工具。如果住的附近靠近地铁站,简直冇得弹!坐上地铁想去那就去哪。但是作为一枚朝九晚六的上班狗,工作日总是要经历挤地铁的煎熬时刻。3.Excuse could I sque...

The subway, is generally preferred travel transport. If near a subway station near my house, almost no play! Sat on the subway to go to which. But as a nine to six dogs to work, work day is go through agonies of subway. 3. Excuse could I sque...