新关注 > 信息聚合 > 保八争四!英足总定目标 霍奇森要续约须进八强

保八争四!英足总定目标 霍奇森要续约须进八强

Protect eight for four! The fa will target hodgson to contract must be into the last eight

2016-05-30 11:01:38来源: 华体网

霍奇森要续约须带队进八强 英格兰国家队近些来在大赛上的表现都不够理想,主帅霍奇森压力不小。近日,英足总又给霍奇森施压,表示霍奇森要带队杀入八强,才会与其续约至2018年。 本届欧洲杯将是霍奇...

Roy hodgson to contract shall be led into the last eight Closer to England in competition's performance is not ideal, manager Roy hodgson pressure. Recently, the fa and put pressure on hodgson said hodgson quarterfinals to lead, rather than his contract until 2018. The euro will be hodge...