新关注 > 信息聚合 > 万代南梦宫或为NX制作《任天堂大乱斗》等作品


Wan Dai Nan Meng Gong, or Nintendo NX.

2016-01-29 10:36:42来源: 新浪

尽管任天堂仍然没有公开NX的具体细节,但游戏业界中总是不乏各种传闻。日前最新的传闻透露,Bandai Namco公司正在制作数款NX游戏,其中还包括一款作为首发游戏登场的《任天堂大乱斗》系列作品。 ...

Although Nintendo still does not disclose the details of NX, there are always a lot of rumors in the game industry. Recently, the latest rumors revealed that Bandai Namco is making several NX games, including a series of "Nintendo Fighting" as the first game debut. ...

标签: 任天堂