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DOTA比赛又出事啦! 现场竟比网络直播慢一小时

DOTA game right again! The scene had an hour slower than live webcast

2016-07-04 16:30:43来源: 17173

【17173玩家频道整理报道】 Dota比赛又出事了?据玩家天辉夜魇爆料,日前在鸟巢举办的Dota线下比赛,现场live竟然比网络直播慢了一小时,没错一个小时!(按正常情况,应该是现场比直播快5...

Dota game channel 17173 players report 】 【 and had an accident? According to reports coming from the players day bright night Yan, recently held in the bird's nest Dota offline game, the live an hour slower than live webcast, that's right for an hour! (according to the normal situation, should be the scene is faster than live 5...

标签: 直播 DOTA