新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不黑不吹只讲真 玩萌乐网《三国令》送VR眼镜

不黑不吹只讲真 玩萌乐网《三国令》送VR眼镜

No black or no blow, just speak real play Meng Le net "Three Kingdoms" to send VR glasses

2016-10-19 18:44:58来源: 新浪

曾经有某游戏打出,来玩就送你RMB的广告;也曾有游戏打出无商城广告,完全绿色免费。但是,结果又是如何,相信小编不说,各位入过坑的玩家也懂。 萌乐网首款VR页游《三国令》(游戏官网:http://sgl.menle.com/),特邀高校“学妹”加盟,演绎三国七大美人,与诸位玩家展开亲密...

Once there was a game played, to play on your RMB ads; also there was a game played no mall ads, completely green free. However, the result is how to believe that Xiaobian does not say, you have entered the pit players also understand. Mengle's first VR page tour "Three Kingdoms Order" (game official website: http://sgl.menle.com/), specially invited colleges and universities "sister students" to join, deduce the seven beauty of the Three Kingdoms, and the players to start intimacy.

标签: VR