新关注 > 信息聚合 > 07073专访《传奇盛世》制作团队


07073 interview with the legendary golden age "production team

2015-09-02 14:49:28来源: 07073游戏网

由XY游戏倾力打造的一款东方魔幻风格的多人在线角色扮演游戏,原味1.76重装上阵,复刻经典端游玩法,建立传奇游戏世界观新秩序,还原最有乐趣的玩法。 项目总监 项目总监:梁智青 传奇是一种生活态度,也是一种别样的游戏人生! 《传奇盛世》是一款真正复古,还原老传奇经典玩法的精品...

by XY game tries their best to build a magic Oriental style multiplayer online role playing game, original 1.76 reloaded, engraved classic tour ends play, to establish the game Legend of the world view of the new order, restore the most fun gameplay. Project director, project director: Liang Zhiqing legend is a kind of life attitude, but also a different kind of game life! Legend of the golden age is a true retro, restore the old legend of the classic game play...