新关注 > 信息聚合 > 与苹果纠纷还没完,高通总裁宣布年底辞职


And yet apple dispute, qualcomm President announced to resign at the end of the year

2017-08-25 10:35:39来源: 网易客户端

网易科技讯 8月25日消息,据金融时报报道,移动芯片制造商高通公司总裁德里克·阿伯勒日前宣布,他将于今年年底辞职。阿伯勒已经为苹果效力17年,此前曾担任高通专利授权部门QTL主管,这个部门正与苹果及...

Netease science and technology news on August 25, according to the financial times reported that mobile chip maker qualcomm company President Derek abler announced that he will resign at the end of the year. Abler have apple for 17 years, had previously served as QTL qualcomm licensing department director, the department is working with apple and...

标签: 苹果