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小岛秀夫晒与PS4架构师合照 引猜测或加入索尼

Hideo Kojima sun photo with PS4 architects cited speculation or joined Sony Sina

2015-10-06 14:21:01来源: 新浪

随着MGS5的发售,小岛秀夫似乎已经完成了他和科乐美之间的最后工作,此后的他何去何从一直是大家关注的焦点,投靠别家,独立创业甚至是转型重新出发?而近日他在推特上发的一张和马克·塞尔尼的合照引发了新猜想。 众所周知,马克·塞尔尼(Mark Cerny)是游戏行业的资深从业者,尽管不少国...

with the sale of MGS5, Hideo Kojima seems to have completed the last work between he and Konami. Thereafter he go has been the focus that everybody pays close attention to, take refuge in another, independent business even is the transformation and re start? And he recently tweeted a photo of Mark Cerny and sparked a new conjecture. As is known to all, Mark Cerny (Cerny Mark) is a veteran of the gaming industry practitioners, although many countries...

标签: PS 索尼 PS4