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全年投入2亿 网易电竞NeXT背后到底隐藏着什么战略

What are the hidden strategies behind NetEase's NeXT 200 million?

2018-09-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018年,在游戏产业领域“电竞”成为了一大关键词,政策利好、产业爆发、电竞入亚,从业者都行成了一个共识——未来五年里,电竞将迎来前所未有的发展机遇。 在这样的机遇下,网易也开始彰显其在电竞领域发展的决心:9月22日-9月30日,网易首个综合性专业电竞赛事NeXT总决赛将于广州举办。这场联赛包含了14款网易和暴雪的热门游戏电竞赛事,总奖金接近千万,全年投入高达2亿,可谓是网易迄今为止,在电竞上最大手笔的布局。 其实早在今年2月的尝鲜大会上,网易游戏副总裁王怡就表示,2018年网易游戏将拿出超过10个亿的资金来打造网易泛娱乐电竞生态。随后在520发布会上,网易又启动了“6亿光电计划”...

In 2018, in the field of the game industry, "electronic competition" has become a key word, good policy, industrial outbreak, electronic competition into Asia, practitioners have become a consensus - in the next five years, electronic competition will usher in unprecedented opportunities for development. Under such an opportunity, Netease also began to show its determination to develop in the field of electronic competition: September 22 - September 30, Netease's first comprehensive professional electronic competition NeXT finals will be held in Guangzhou. This league tournament contains 14 Netease and Blizzard's hot game video contests, the total prize is close to 10 million, the year-round investment of up to 200 million, is so far Netease, the largest in the layout of the competition. In fact, as early as in February this year at the tasting meeting, Netease game vice president Wang Yi said that in 2018 Netease game will spend more than 100 million yuan to create a Netease Entertainment ecology. Subsequently, in the 520 press conference, NetEase launched the "600 million photoelectric plan".

标签: 网易 电竞