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Apple's small screen iPhone5se difficult odds

2016-01-28 10:26:43来源: DoNews

随着苹果最新财报显示其核心iPhone业务的销量和营收增长放缓,有关苹果未来发布小屏(主要是4英寸屏幕)iPhone5Se的传闻再起,实际上早在今年iPhone 6s和6s Plus发布之前就有传闻称,苹果可能会在随着新iPhone发布一款小屏iPhone,但最终的事实证明,传闻依旧是传闻,那么未来苹果会真的会发布小屏iPhone5se吗?其可以提振iPhone的市场表现吗?提及小屏iPhone,就不免让我们回想起当年苹果iPhone5c的发布,因为那是苹果首次打破其发布iPhone的固有策略,且也是在iPhone被业内认为创新不足,为了增加销量的选择。那么最终的结果如何呢?尽管后来有关iPh...

With Apple's latest filing shows the slowdown in sales and revenue growth in its core business of iPhone, Apple's next release concerning small screen (mainly 4-inch screen) iPhone5Se renewed rumors, in fact, as early as in the year before the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will publish there are rumors that Apple may be in with the new iPhone release a small iPhone screen, but in the end it turns out, the rumors are still rumors, then the future Apple will release a small screen iPhone5se really do? which can boost the iPhone's market performance? mention the small screen iPhone, can not help but remind us of the year Apple iPhone5c release, because it is the first time Apple released iPhone break its inherent strategy, and also in the iPhone is the industry that the lack of innovation in order to increase sales of select. So how the final result? Although it has about iPh ...

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