新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传奇永恒8月6日宣布封测 震撼CG尝鲜

传奇永恒8月6日宣布封测 震撼CG尝鲜

Eternal legend, August 6, announced the beta shock CG early adopters

2015-07-24 13:04:37来源: 新浪

导语:《传奇永恒》是一款传承化、大作化的次世代3D自研产品,是盛大游戏人向传奇致敬的诚意之作,也是五亿传奇玩家的多年夙愿。今日,游戏官方曝光精彩的CG片段,为新老玩家带来酣畅淋漓的视觉盛宴;与此同时,公布将于8月6日开启正式封闭测试,拉开次世代传奇的游戏序幕。 震撼CG故事 战法道英...

lead: the eternal legend "is a heritage, the next generation of 3D research products, is a tribute to the legendary grand game people sincerity and 500 million legendary players long cherished wish. Today, game official exposure of wonderful Cg fragment, for new and old players to bring a hearty feast of visual; at the same time, released will open on August 6, officially closed test, opened the prelude to next generation legends of the game. The story of CG road shock tactics...