新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一款IGN近满分策略大作!《幽浮2》使你不能自拔


IGN close out a strategy masterpiece! "UFO 2" makes you unable to extricate themselves

2016-02-03 15:36:40来源: 新浪

经典策略游戏《幽浮》的最新作品《幽浮2》带我们来到未来的战场,可以说本作将系列的战术玩法推向了巅峰,无论是随机的敌人与地图,还是超强的兵种战术搭配,都完全可以令玩家分分钟沉迷其中不能自拔,这是一款优秀策略游戏。IGN给出了9.3分 优点: +随机的任务 +战士技能的合作 +...

The classic strategy game "UFO" latest work "UFO 2" took us to the battlefield of the future, we can say this will be the series of tactical play into a peak, whether it is random enemies and maps, or superior arms tactical match, so players can fully indulge them unable to extricate themselves every minute, this is a good strategy game. IGN gives 9.3 Pros: + random task of cooperation + + warrior skills ...