新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数据会说话!百度DuerOS激活设备超5000万意味着什么?


The data will talk! Baidu DuerOS activation equipment more than 50 million mean?

2018-02-14 16:12:00来源: 品途网

文 | 罗超搭载百度DuerOS的智能设备激活数量从0到1再到5000万,只用了1年时间。百度今天发布的2017年Q4财报显示,DuerOS已成为百度用户增长的驱动力。这几天,微博、百度等中概股先后发布去年四季度和全年财报,昨天我对微博财报进行了分析,因为新增用户能力超出投资者预期,微博股价上涨9.59%,领涨中概股。今天再看百度Q4和全年财报,我发现有一组数据再次印证了我的判断:新增用户能力成为资本市场判断一家公司互联网价值和潜力的关键要素,只看营收和利润增长率的时代过去了。DuerOS成为百度用户增长驱动器从营收等基本面来看,百度财报...

Article | luo carrying baidu DuerOS intelligent device activation number from 0 to 1 to 50 million, only 1 year. Baidu released today, according to 2017 Q4 earnings DuerOS has become baidu users the drivers of growth. In the last few days, weibo and baidu is successively published last year in the fourth quarter and full-year earnings, I analyses the weibo earnings yesterday, because new users ability more than investors expected, weibo shares rose 9.59%, led the rally in stocks. Today to see baidu Q4 and full year results, I found a set of data again confirmed my judgment: ability to new users as capital market judgment key elements of company value and potential of the Internet, only look at the era of revenue and profit growth in the past. DuerOS become baidu users from the fundamentals, such as revenue growth drives baidu results...