新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不看气质看缘分!《功夫熊猫3》手游全新伙伴系统..


Don't look at temperament to see the fate! "Kung fu panda 3" mobile game new partner system..

2016-03-15 12:18:28来源: 不凡游戏网

网易2016年超人气手游《功夫熊猫3》电影官方手游再度迎来重磅更新,全新“伙伴缘分”系统正式登场,带来与以往不同的伙伴养成体验!新玩法的推出将使该游戏告别一宠独霸天下的伙伴时代,不同的伙伴因伙伴缘分也能焕发新生,为神龙大侠们的冒险历练再添新助力! 【宠物缘分将启动 伙伴格局大变样】 ...

Netease 2016 wildly popular mobile game "kung fu panda 3" in the official mobile game once again usher in blockbuster movie updates, new debut fate "partners" system, bring different partners to develop experience! New game launch will make the game to a familiar partners era of dominating the world, different partners for partner predestination can coruscate newborn, for the dragon warrior adventure experience added new power! [pet fate will start the companion pattern change]...

标签: 手游