新关注 > 信息聚合 > 私募基金开启“安全垫模式”,真的安全么?


Private equity fund to open "safe mode", really safe?

2018-02-27 14:16:00来源: 品途网


Since November 2017, a line of three will wait for regulators have issued new rules on information technology, "no. 55", such as files, is intended to break just against, promoting financial deleveraging, especially the trust leveraged products of regulation is too big; But institution has its own strategy, represented by safety cushion pattern of structured information products is expected to become a new mode: with information and safety cushion model refers to as a fund manager in structured products, but also give some money as a safety cushion; The safety cushion is the risk of smaller, but the profit space is small. Today we talk about the "safe mode", really safe? What is a "safety cushion" about "safe", published in January 2017 the guidance about hedge strategy fund (SFC announcement [2017] no. 3), for public funds safety cushion with clear definition: "safe mat...