新关注 > 信息聚合 > 经纪人:大巴黎曾以65万英镑周薪引诱内马尔


Brokers: Paris once lured Neymar to 650 thousand pounds a week.

2016-09-10 04:29:11来源: 华体网

体育9月9日讯 巴萨球星内马尔的经纪人瓦格纳-里贝罗(Wagner Ribeiro)在近日接受采访时表示,今年夏天巴黎圣日耳曼曾以65万英镑周薪引诱内马尔加盟。 里贝罗爆料大巴黎愿以创纪录的薪水数...

Sports September 9 - Wagner Ribeiro, the agent of Barcelona star Neymar, said in a recent interview that Saint Germain in Paris had lured Neymar to join with a weekly salary of 650,000 pounds this summer. Ribeiro broke the news that dabali was willing to pay a record salary.