新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高中英语老师“可爱”语录


High school English teacher "cute" sayings

2016-06-06 16:05:51来源: 中国教育在线

1.舍才不舍命还把命丢了(黄老师最经典的“语无伦次”先来一个热热身) 2.被火冲走了(火也能冲东西?是水吧?) 3.学过的生词(学过了还是生词?) 4.某某东西叫我永生不能难忘(最经典的...

1. The house will not lay down to losing our lives also (yellow teacher's classic "incoherent" to a warm up first) (2) was washed away by the fire, the fire can also blunt things? Is the water? 3. Learn the new words (or new words learned?) 4. Something call me eternal life can't forget the most classic (...