新关注 > 信息聚合 > 时政新闻:支付宝们“烧”不出移动支付的未来


Political news: pay treasure "to burn", not the future of mobile payment

2015-06-11 13:44:43来源: 中公教育

时政新闻:支付宝们“烧”不出移动支付的未来 又一轮“烧钱”大战拉开序幕,主角是支付宝和微信这对冤家,起因是两家在抢夺超市支付。各个行业接连不断的“烧钱”大战,已经让国内的用户们有些视觉疲劳。仅就超市支付这一市场来说,支付宝和微信已经发起了几轮烧钱大战。遗憾的是,以支付宝和微信支付为代表...

political news: Alipay were burned out the future of mobile payment and a round of "burn money" war kicked off, the protagonist is the friends Alipay and micro channel, the cause is pay for two looted supermarket. Various industries continuously "burning" war, domestic users have some visual fatigue. Only pay for the supermarket market, Alipay and WeChat has launched several rounds of burn wars. Unfortunately, paypal and micro channel payments for the representative...