新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016四川达州中考考试科目及分值设置


2016 sichuan dazhou examination subjects and scores

2016-06-06 16:05:51来源: 新浪

1。考试科目。语文、数学、外语、物理、化学、生物、思想品德(以下简称“思品”)、历史、地理、体育,其考试形式分为闭卷笔试与操作技能考试,具体情况见下表: 2。考查科目。音乐、美术、综合实践活动及...

1. Test subjects. Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, physics, chemistry, biology, ideology and moral character (hereinafter referred to as "goods"), history, geography, sports, and its examination form is divided into request and operation skills, details see the table below: 2. Test subjects. Music, art, and comprehensive practice activity...