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新一代人工智能发展规划对外发布 量化将迎风口?

A new generation of artificial intelligence development plan will release to quantify the wind mouth?

2017-08-22 17:45:21来源: DoNews


Under the state council recently issued "a new generation of artificial intelligence development planning", from the strategic situation, general requirements, the allocation of resources, explains the perspectives of legislation, organization development plan of artificial intelligence. Request, according to the plan to the 2030 China industrial competitiveness has reached the international leading level of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, more than 1 trillion yuan in core industries, drive the related industrial scale more than $10 trillion, marks the artificial intelligence official rise for the national strategy. In recent years, big data and cloud computing to push the AI technology progress, technology is constantly creating new financial application scenario. Important application in the field of AI in the financial sector - quantitative investment, in China also showed a different and foreign development path, in a foreign country, the development of quantitative trading for decades, but it is still in the service of part of high-end customers, while in China the Internet technology curve after overtaking, domestic quantitative investment flowers, both in the service of high-end clients use hardware...