新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2016长城马拉松金秋十月开跑 持续助力公益

2016长城马拉松金秋十月开跑 持续助力公益

The Great Wall marathon runs in golden October of 2016 Continue to boost public welfare

2016-09-04 03:03:24来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京9月3日电(岳川) 长城马拉松组委会日前在京发布了长马2016的奖牌与跑服,并表示今年赛事将继续着力公益。奥运跳水冠军李娜、“九球天后”刘莎莎、撑杆跳选手姚捷等体育明星到场助阵。 去年...

Beijing, Beijing on September 3 (YueChuan) the Great Wall marathon organizing committee recently released a long horse 2016 MEDALS in Beijing and the running gear, and said this year's event will continue to focus on public welfare. Olympic diving champion li na, "nine days" rainieyes Sally, pole vaulter Yao Jie sports stars such as her presence. Last year...