新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中超-三将各建一功 苏宁客场0-3延边遭3连败

中超-三将各建一功 苏宁客场0-3延边遭3连败

China Super three will build a team of Suning 0-3 away from Yanbian and 3 consecutive defeats.

2016-07-16 20:20:53来源: 华体网

讯 北京时间7月16日,2016年中超联赛第17轮在延吉市人民体育场开始一场较量,延边富德主场3-0击败江苏苏宁。下半场金承大率先破门,斯蒂夫扩大比分,艾合买江锁定胜局。延边迎来2连胜,苏宁遭遇双线...

On July 16, 2016, the 17th round of the Chinese Super League began a contest at Yanji People's Stadium, where Yanbian Fude beat Jiangsu Ning 3-0 at home. In the second half, jinchengda took the lead in breaking the door, and Steve expanded the score. AI he bought the river to lock the winning game. Yanbian ushered in 2 consecutive wins, Suning encountered two lines.