新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国防安全日特别策划:专家解读国防教育重要意义


Special plan for national defense day: experts interpret the importance of national defense education

2016-09-17 13:49:00来源: 中国教育新闻网

编者按 长期以来,学生军训以其理论学习与实践训练相结合、思想教育与行为规范相结合、价值引导与个人体验相结合的教育形式,在国防教育和学校教育中发挥着重要作用。今天是全民国防教育日,本报特选登国防大...

Editors believe that for a long time, students'military training plays an important role in national defense education and school education by combining theoretical study with practical training, ideological education with behavioral norms, value guidance with personal experience. Today is the national defense education day.