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The dinner also shared economic

2015-10-26 10:40:38来源: DoNews

共享经济这样一个词在最近两年不停地轰炸你的感官。好像以前的一切都是不对的,因为他没有共享,不加上共享经济的项目就好像旧社会的产物。而这一切又好像都是对的,因为共享经济也不过就是一个新名字加上一个所谓完整的新概念而已,很多事情都是这样的。 我们每个人都离不开衣食住行。我们又常常遵循着民以食为天的原则。让食又达到了更高的高度。的确没有这个我们就什么也没有了。虽然现在不是物质匮乏的年代,我们可以轻易的获取食物,只要你不是完全的无可救药你都不会被饿死。但食依然是我们最想提高,最感兴趣的一项需求。所以围绕着食展开的生意有很多。秉承着改变供需关系的共享经济依然不例外。在食的领域有一种共享模式叫做私房饭局,...

sharing economy such a word in the last two years of non-stop bombing your senses. It seems that everything is wrong, because he has not shared, and not to share with the economy of the project as a result of the old society. And it seems to be all right, because the shared economy is just a new name plus a whole new concept. Each of us cannot do without basic necessities of life. We always follow the principle of hunger breeds discontentment. Let the food reach a higher level. There is no such we have nothing. Although now is not lack of substance in, we can easily access to food, as long as you're not completely hopeless you will not starve to death. But food is still our most want to improve, the most interested in a demand. So there are a lot of business around the food. With the change of supply and demand of the shared economy is still no exception. In the field of food have a shared mode called private dinner,...

标签: 共享经济