新关注 > 信息聚合 > 报考社工证热度不减济南今年1611人通过资格审查


Apply for social work permit heat unabated Jinan year 1611 are adopted on 4 Qualification

2015-04-06 16:13:19来源: 大众网

4月4日,大明湖,历下区传统文化保育社区服务项目老导游为孩子们讲述老济南故事。 记者 董广远 摄 □记者 董广远 实习生 刘建桥 社工,又被誉为“社会治疗师”。今年全国两会上,李克强总理...

4 month, Daming Lake, Lixia District traditional cultural conservation community service projects in the old guide for children about the old story of Jinan. Reporter Dong Guangyuan photo / reporter Dong Guangyuan Intern Liu Jianqiao social worker, also known as "social therapist". Two sessions this year, Premier Li Keqiang...