新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四千年美女鞠婧祎或出演郭敬明电影 激动的要哭

四千年美女鞠婧祎或出演郭敬明电影 激动的要哭

Four thousand years beauty Ju Jingyi or Guo Jingming starred in the film excited to cry

2015-11-26 21:42:39来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 在最新一期《最强大脑》的录制现场郭敬明选中人气美女鞠婧祎,并问:“你想拍电影吗?”让这位人气成员眼角泛泪激动得快哭泣。

Sohu Entertainment News selected popular beauty Ju Jingyi in the latest issue of the strongest of the brain "to record the scene Guo, and asked:" you want to be in the movie? " Let the popular member of the eye of the eye of the pan tears were excited to cry.

标签: 电影