新关注 > 信息聚合 > 你不知道的经典游戏场景 探秘巴黎地下骸骨帝国

你不知道的经典游戏场景 探秘巴黎地下骸骨帝国

Paris, France, a scenic spot is you don't know the secrets of the classic game scene Paris underground bones Empire

2015-10-23 18:15:28来源: 新浪

巴黎地下墓穴(法语:Catacombes de Paris)是法国巴黎的一处景区,位于今天巴黎十四区的丹费尔-罗什洛广场,因为该景点比较小众,很多去过巴黎的游客可能并不知道这个地方。不过在游戏玩家眼里它可能更亲切一些,因为许多游戏中都出现过这个经典场景,正好万圣节快到了,没玩过那些游戏或...

Paris catacombs (French: Catacombes de Paris in Paris today 14 District Dan fil - Roslo square, because the attractions are relatively niche, and many have been to tourists in Paris may do not know this place. But in the eyes of the game players it may be more intimate, because many games have emerged in this classic scene, just Halloween is coming, not playing those games or...

标签: 游戏