新关注 > 信息聚合 > 名宿:詹皇为骑士奉献太多 克城当为他塑雕像

名宿:詹皇为骑士奉献太多 克城当为他塑雕像

Legend: huang zhan offer knight too much City when plastic statue for him

2016-06-21 11:16:07来源: 华体网

6月21日 詹姆斯成功夺冠,帮助骑士队拿下了队史的首座总冠军奖杯,同时这也是克里夫兰近52年来的第一座职业体育的冠军奖杯。在克里夫兰的体育名宿吉姆-布朗看来,骑士队应该为詹姆斯建造一个雕像。 ...

On June 21, James won success, helping the cavaliers won the first championship trophy of the history, and it is also the Cleveland in recent 52 years of the first professional sports championship trophy. In Cleveland sports legend Jim brown's opinion, the cavaliers should build a statue for James. ...