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Mobile phone version of the legend of Mir mobile version of "the novice guide operation play the summary of

2015-08-28 17:57:23来源: 站长之家

[摘要] 《热血传奇》手机版不删档测试现正火爆进行中,8月7日开测当天就登顶App Store免费榜榜首的位置。随着测试的推进,不断有新老玩家加入到游戏中来,今天就为大家整合了《热血传奇》手机版的全面玩法介绍,希望对初入传奇的新手玩家有所帮助! 《热血传奇》手机版不删档测试现正火爆进...

[]" Mir "does not delete files test is now being carried out in the hot, August 7, open test day climb to the top position of the app store for free list. With the test of advancing, there are constantly new and old players to join the game, today is the integration of the "blood legend" mobile version of the full play of the game, I hope to be helpful to the novice players at the beginning of the legend! "Blood legend" mobile phone version of the file is not deleted files are now hot into...

标签: 热血传奇