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莱科宁获匈牙利站当日最佳车手 为本赛季首次

Hungary on the same day the best driver kimi raikkonen For the first time this season

2016-07-26 15:39:54来源: 新浪

法拉利车手莱科宁 新浪体育讯 法拉利车手莱科宁被选为匈牙利站当日最佳车手。 芬兰人在匈牙利站以14位起步最终以第6位完赛。 莱科宁在比赛末段与维斯塔潘在抢位时发生了擦碰,在前翼损坏的情况...

Ferrari's kimi raikkonen sina sports - ferrari driver kimi raikkonen was selected as the Hungary on the same day the best driver. Finns in Hungary with 14 start finally finished sixth. Kimi raikkonen in the end of the game and vesta pan brush touch occurred in the box, in the case of damage of front wing...