新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五款VR游戏合计仅售100美元 Oculus游戏良心推荐

五款VR游戏合计仅售100美元 Oculus游戏良心推荐

Five VR games aggregate $100 Oculus game conscience is recommended

2016-05-18 11:03:02来源: 新浪

相信各位Oculus玩家都已手握随头显附赠的两款大作《Eve:Valkyrie》(《EVE:瓦尔基里》)和《Lucky’s Tale》(《拉奇的故事》),不过想必单单两款VR游戏肯定不过瘾——我们在此特意整合了一份VR游戏清单以供诸君挑选:全部加起来也不过100美元。Oculus玩家还请...

Believe you Oculus player has been hand over head show a complimentary two masterpieces "Eve: Valkyrie" (" Eve: Valkyrie ") and "Lucky" s by Tate "(the story of lachey), but only two VR game certainly does not satisfy, we hereby specially integrates a list of VR games for you to choose: all together is $100. Oculus players also please...

标签: 游戏 VR Oculus