新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东到家公布合作方数据:永旺线上订单额同比上升1028%


Jingdong home figures released partners: aeon online orders rose 1028% from a year

2017-06-07 16:58:24来源: DoNews

DoNews 6月7日消息(记者 向密) 京东到家公布与知名商超永旺合作的成绩单。数据显示,2017年5月,永旺入驻门店的线上订单额(GMV)同比增长1028%,订单量同比增长602%。京东到家相关业务负责人表示,永旺线上流量的爆发式增长与京东到家的流量赋能不无关系。京东到家本身拥有3000多万用户,以及来自于京东商城近2.4亿流量入口。用户在京东商城App搜索生鲜蔬果等商品,搜索结果中将展示京东到家的商品。“这些用户大部分都是‘30岁左右、高收入、注重生活品质、工作繁忙无暇逛超市’的都市白领,京东到家满足了他们‘需要到超市却没有时间’的需求,同时也解决了商家集聚高质量线上用户的课题”,该负责...

DoNews, June 7 (reporter to close) released jingdong home cooperation with well-known business super aeon transcript. Data shows, in May 2017, aeon in stores online orders (GMV) rose 1028% year-on-year, orders rose 602%. Jingdong home, said an official with the related business aeon explosive growth of online traffic flow with jingdong got home can assign. Jingdong home itself has more than 3000 users, and nearly 240 million traffic from jingdong mall entrance. Jingdong mall App user can search for commodities such as fresh vegetables and fruits, search results will show the jingdong home goods. "Most of these users are '30 s, high income, pay attention to the quality of life, the job is busy no time to' supermarket urban white-collar workers, jingdong home satisfied they 'need to go to the supermarket but there was no time' demand, but also solves the merchants gathered online users with high quality project", which is responsible for...

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