新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》主播梦飞16小时完成千人斩


The king of glory the host dream fly 16 hours to complete one thousand people cut

2018-11-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

对于一个王者荣耀玩家而言,最爽的事情莫过于连胜和连杀了,因为只有这两件事,才能证明一个玩家的实力。而虎牙主播梦飞,则把这两件事情做到了极致。继上一次挑战200连胜成功之后,梦飞再次出手,一手花木兰鏖战16小时成功达成千人斩。 (梦飞1000杀达成) 杀戮盛宴无愧第一花木兰之名 花木兰作为王者荣耀中最秀的英雄之一,一直饱受玩家追捧,但无奈操作难度太高,玩得好的花木兰着实不多,能把花木兰玩到极致的更是凤毛麟角,而梦飞却在这凤毛麟角的人中站到了顶点。 经常观看梦飞直播的观众都知道,梦飞在之前的赛季中一直都是百星王者,且一手花木兰风骚无比,是许多人心中的国服第一花木兰。 在不久前梦飞就...

For a king glory player, the best thing is straight and even killed, because only these two things, to prove the strength of a player. Whereas canine teeth anchor dream fly, the two things the perfection. Following the last challenge 200 in a row after the success, the dream fly again, 16 hours mulan fighting hand reached one thousand people cut to success. (1000 killed a dream fly) killing spree clear conscience in the name of the first mulan Hua mu LAN, as one of the toughest heroes show king glory, has been plagued by the player, but helpless operation difficulty is too high, had good hua mu LAN is rare, hua mu LAN play acme is extremely rare, and the dream fly is standing among the rare acme. Often watch the dream fly in the audience know that dream fly in the previous seasons has been the star of Kings, and single-handedly mulan coquettish, take the first mulan is the heart of many countries. During the recent dream fly...

标签: 王者荣耀 主播