新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂NS扩展坞有大作用:支持1080p输出


Nintendo NS docking station has a big role: support 1080 p output

2016-12-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据国外媒体Nintendoeverything报道,知名爆料人Laura Kate Dale近日再次放出了众多有关Nintendo Switch的新传闻。其中值得一提的是,她提到名为“Dock”扩充底座其实有着非常大的作用。Dock不仅能够支持NS1080p输出到电视上,而且能够一定程度的提升画面。 任天堂NS扩展坞有大作用:支持1080p输出(图片来自于推特) Laura表示,当Nintendo Switch本体插在扩充底座上的时候,系统的执行速度将会有进一步的提升。在Laura口中,扩充底座和Switch本体合体才是NS机能全部。在插入状态的时候,视频和机能都会通过Type-C接...

Well-known fact people, according to the foreign media Nintendoeverything Laura Kate Dale recently released again many about Nintendo Switch a new rumour. Among them it is worth mentioning that she mentioned is called "Dock" expand the base actually has very big effect. The Dock can not only support NS1080p output to the TV, but also a certain degree of ascension. Nintendo NS docking station has a big role: support 1080 p output (image from twitter), said Laura when Nintendo Switch ontology in the expansion of the base, the system of execution speed will be further promoted. To Laura mouth, expansion of the base and the Switch body fit is the function of NS all of them. When inserted into the state, by video, and functional Type - C to meet...

标签: 任天堂