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口碑与新浪微博打通 帮助商家运营线上流量

Word-of-mouth and Sina micro-blog help business line traffic

2018-04-03 16:03:19来源: TECH2IPO创见

在移动互联网和大数据技术的冲击下,以餐饮为主的本地生活服务行业面临转型挑战。线下商业如何运营线上线下流量,用数据反向指导精准营销激发消费潜力,成为商家的刚需。近日,阿里巴巴旗下本地生活服务平台「口碑」与新浪微博达成合作,实现平台互通。商家在口碑商家中心发布的商品和优惠券,可选择在商家的新浪微博官方号里展示,商家的粉丝在微博浏览信息时就可以直接在线购买口碑爆款,领取口碑优惠券。五芳斋、呷哺呷哺、好利来、COSTACOFFEE 中国、良品铺子、Hairology 丝域养发这些著名品牌,成为首批使用该功能的品牌商家。 以往,品牌商家在新浪微博只能做优惠信息告知,从用户看到信息...

Under the impact of mobile Internet and large data technology, the local living service industry based on food and beverage is facing the challenge of transformation. Under line business how to operate the line down flow, using data reverse guidance to guide precision marketing to stimulate the consumption potential, become the business's just need. Recently, the Alibaba's local life service platform "word-of-mouth" and Sina micro-blog have reached cooperation to achieve platform interoperability. The merchandise and coupons issued by merchants in the word of mouth business center can be displayed in Sina's micro-blog official number. When fans browse information, they can directly buy word of mouth explosions and receive word of mouth coupons online. Wufangzhai, hollyland, COSTACOFFEE China, sipping Xiabu, Ichiban shop, Hairology hair silk domain these famous brands, to become the first to use the feature of brand business. In the past, brand business in Sina micro-blog can only do preferential information to inform, from the user to see the information...

标签: 流量