新关注 > 信息聚合 > 暴雪要制作《魔兽争霸4》?除非奇迹发生!


Blizzard wants to make "demon animal contend for hegemony 4"? Unless a miracle occurs!

2015-08-14 12:50:07来源: 福布斯中文网

在科隆国际游戏展(Gamescom)上传出了一些小道消息,说是暴雪(Blizzard)在今年推出《星际争霸2》(Starcraft 2)第二部资料片,新的即时战略游戏《魔兽争霸4》(Warcraft 4)将提上日程,这个消息让暴雪的粉丝们顿时热血沸腾。《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》(Legac...

uploaded in the Cologne international exhibition game (Gamescom) out of some gossip, said to be Blizzard (Blizzard) in this year launched StarCraft II (StarCraft 2) the second piece of information, the new real-time strategy game "world of Warcraft 4" (Warcraft 4) will be put on the agenda, the news let Blizzard fans suddenly excited. "StarCraft 2: the legacy of the void" (Legac...

标签: 暴雪