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明年再来战 无尽战区Chinajoy精彩集锦

Again next year war theater ChinaJoy endless wonderful collection

2015-08-05 12:40:04来源: 新浪

一年一度的Chinajoy落下帷幕,还在为没去成现场没看到coser而遗憾不已吗?没关系!这里备好了《无尽战区》今年CJ的精彩视频和照片,让你一饱眼福! 燃情视频 精彩半点不错过 萌妹coser 带你突破次元墙 《无尽战区》本届CJ的机械娘coser三人组成为会场亮点,萌萌哒...

annual ChinaJoy falls next heavy curtain, still did not go into the scene did not see Coser and regret unceasingly? Not related! Here the "endless theater" prepared in this year's CJ wonderful video and photos, let you enjoy! Legends of the brilliant video the slightest don't Miss Meng Mei Coser take you to break through the three dimensional wall "endless war zone the CJ mechanical Niang Coser group become highlights of the meeting, the Meng Da...

标签: ChinaJoy