新关注 > 信息聚合 > 魅影妖娆难挡《英雄三国》甄姬魅世血莲曝光


Phantom of the enchanting difficult to block the heroes of the Three Kingdoms "Zhen Ji charm the world blood lotus exposure

2015-10-14 11:29:15来源: 天极网

凌波轻施微步移,魅世血莲抹浮尘。作为艳冠河北的佳人,甄姬即便不施粉黛,也会被人误以为凌波仙子下凡。如今,在网易英雄对战(MOBA)竞技游戏《英雄三国》的她已换上妖艳的滴血莲花,摒弃旧事重做自己! 一袭惊艳的玫红裹住甄姬的娇躯,姣好的身材展现的淋漓尽致。一头丽雪的银发随风飘扬,与鲜艳的...

Lingbo light application of micro displacement, evil spirit world blood lotus wipe the dust. As the crown of Hebei beauty Yan Zhen Ji, even without make-up, will be mistaken for Ling Bo fairies descend. Now, Netease hero of War (MoBa) games "heroes of the Three Kingdoms", she has been replaced with enchanting blood lotus, abandon the news to redo their. Dressed in a stunning red rose wrapped Ji Zhen Jiao Qu, Jiaohao body show incisively and vividly. A head of silver hair and beautiful snow fluttering in the wind, bright...