新关注 > 信息聚合 > 感谢有你,感恩一起!—— 有米7周年陈第致米族的信

感谢有你,感恩一起!—— 有米7周年陈第致米族的信

Thank you, Thanksgiving! - there are 7 anniversary of the founding of the first to Chen meter race's letter

2017-04-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

亲爱的米族小伙伴们: 今天是2017年4月1日,“有米广告”正式上线7周年!“7”是一个智慧的数字,据说上帝很喜欢“7”,所以一周定为“7”天。“7”代表一个小的轮回,小的循环,小的重生。 有米到今天7年了,与你们同在,很幸运,很感恩! 回顾过往,创业路上跌跌撞撞,感慨良多。曾经和企业家前辈交流,他们会提到创业3年、5年、7年对企业都是一个考验。回想过去有米的经历,我深以为然,再仔细琢磨,实际上会发现每年都至少有一个小坎,需要一个个跨过去,而每一段回忆至今仍记忆尤深! 有米是幸运的!在创业的最初,一群大学生怀着“让开发者有饭吃”的淳朴梦想,推出了国内首家移动广告平台。平台上线半年左右...

Dear m family friends: today is April 1, 2017, "rice advertising" is launched 7 anniversary! "7" is a wisdom, it is said that god is like the "7", so as the "7" days in a week. "7" on behalf of a small circle, small circle, small rebirth. Have to 7 years, today with you, very lucky, very grateful! In retrospect, entrepreneurial stumbled on the road, feeling a lot. Once elder exchange and entrepreneurs, they will mention business for three years, five years, seven years is a test of the enterprise. To recall the past experience of meters, and deep thinking, I ponder again, actually will find at least a little every year, need to cross the past, and every memory still memory deep! Rice is lucky! Entrepreneurship in the first place and a group of college students with "let developers with food" simple dream, launched the first domestic mobile advertising platform. Online platform for about half a year...