新关注 > 信息聚合 > EA公布云游戏平台:阿特拉斯计划


EA announced cloud gaming platform: atlas project

2018-10-31 00:00:00来源: 人民网

人民网北京10月31日电 (记者杨虞波罗)EA今日公布了自家云游戏平台——阿特拉斯计划(Project Atlas),这是一个整合了“游戏引擎+在线服务”的游戏开发平台,将充分发挥云计算和人工智能的潜力。 EA在Medium上发布了一篇很长的博客,在里面EA CTO(首席技术长官)Ken MOss分享了阿特拉斯计划的首批细节,目前EA公司有超过1000名员工正在从事这个平台。EA阿特拉斯计划的目标通过云计算和AI,解放游戏开发者的创造潜力。 EA博客部分内容摘译: 力量让一切变得容易 通过阿特拉斯计划,我们开始将AI的力量放在了创意开发者的手中。举个例子,我们正在使用真实山脉的高...

People in Beijing on October 31 (xinhua Yang Yu polo) EA today announced its own cloud gaming platform - Atlas plan (Project Atlas), it is a integrated "game engine + service" online game development platform, will give full play to the potential of cloud computing and artificial intelligence. EA on Medium issued a lengthy blog, EA inside the CTO (chief technology officer) Ken MOss Shared the atlas first details of the plan, EA company has more than 1000 employees are currently working on the platform. EA atlas goal through cloud computing and AI, free game developers creating potential. EA part blog translation: strength make everything easier by atlas project, we started to put the power of AI in creative developers hands. For example, we are using real mountains high...

标签: 游戏