新关注 > 信息聚合 > 尺寸增大2.25倍!海战世界全新地图


Dimensions increase 2.25 times! Battle of new world map

2015-11-06 11:04:06来源: 爱拍游戏

畅游旗下海空潜团队竞技网游《海战世界》不删档测试热战中,无需激活码即刻开战! 据悉,《海战世界》将于近期上线的全新版本正在紧张筹备中,而计划与新版本一同上线的两张新地图也于今日公布,均为特别设定的“15x15”大尺寸地图,相比现有地图尺寸最大增加了2.25倍! 因地图面积的增大,所以...

Changyou sea diving team competitive games in the battle of the world "does not delete files test wars, no need to activate the code immediately war! It is reported that the world war will be in the near future on the line of the new version is being prepared, and the new version of the program together with the two new map is also released today, are particularly set of 15x15 large size map, compared to the existing map size has increased by 2.25 times! Due to the increase in the area of the map, so...