新关注 > 信息聚合 > AutoFull傲风斩获外设天下年度最佳电竞椅品牌奖项


A proud AutoFull wind gains peripherals world e-sports chair brand of the year award

2018-04-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在2017年外设天下十周年的年度评选中,AutoFull傲风斩获了年度最佳电竞椅品牌的重量级奖项。外设天下是国内电脑外设领域的第一大站,被广大网友评为“全球最专业的电脑外设发烧友聚集地”。 外设天下作为外设评选的权威机构,授予傲风电竞椅这一重量级奖项,证明了其产品质量以及品牌在业界的杰出影响力;AutoFull傲风会在这一荣誉的激励下,创造出更好的电竞椅装备,回馈广大的电竞发烧友。 作为深耕电竞行业多年的电竞椅品牌,AutoFull傲风已成长为国内电竞椅行业公认的领军品牌。2017年,AutoFull傲风斩获包括中国体育嘉年华年度创新奖、天猫理想家生活优秀参展品牌、京东风格引领品牌、...

In 2017 peripherals annual list of the 10th anniversary of the world, a proud AutoFull wind of the e-sports chair brand heavyweight of the year award. Peripheral world is the first big station in the field of computer peripherals, be people named "world's most professional computer peripherals enthusiasts home". Peripheral world as peripherals selection of authority, a proud awarded wind racing chair a heavyweight awards, has proved its outstanding influence product quality and brand in the industry; A proud AutoFull wind will be under the stimulus of the honor, e-sports chair equipment, create a better feedback the e-sports enthusiasts. E-sports industry as subsoil e-sports chair brand for many years, has grown into a proud AutoFull wind e-sports chair industry recognized leader in the domestic brands. In 2017, a proud AutoFull wind gains including China sports carnival annual innovation, outstanding exhibition brand, jingdong Tmall ideal home life style of leading brands,...

标签: 电竞