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Perfect world blockbuster 2018 originality "reincarnation strategics" iOS starting today

2018-04-19 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由完美世界游戏倾情打造的国风动作派卡牌手游《轮回诀》今日正式在App Store首发,官方宣传视频同步公开。此前,《轮回诀》曾获苹果官方预定推荐,而进行过预定的同学今天将会自动下载安装游戏。同时由SNH48黄婷婷、莫寒、陆婷、费沁源、林思意、吴哲晗等六位代言人倾情演唱的游戏同名曲也在今日正式发布,唯美的神话造型海报和花絮视频同步曝光。 超感官创新AR玩法 解锁更多游戏姿势 《轮回诀》的创新AR玩法,让大家动起来玩游戏,通过强大的AR抽卡玩法,将唯美的神话角色召唤到现实中来。玩家还可以通过移动手机近距离360度观赏角色的身体细节,真正做到亲密无间的视觉互动。《轮回诀》的AR副本玩法也是一大...

Forged by perfect world game in the special action of card player to swim the cycle of travelling today in the App Store, starting a public official propaganda video synchronization. Prior to that, "reincarnation strategics" once won the apple official book recommendation, and been scheduled classmates will automatically download and install the game today. At the same time by SNH48 principal, cold, Liu Ting, FeiQinYuan, Lynn, Wu Zhehan six representative of divas singing like a violin was officially published in today's game, the myth of the only beautiful modelling posters and tidbits video synchronous exposure. Extra sensory innovation AR play unlock more posture of samsara tactic innovation AR game play, let everybody move to play games, through strong AR card to play, will call the myth of aesthetic role to the reality. Players can through the mobile phone details, close to 360 degree viewing role body really close visual interaction. The cycle of travelling AR a copy of the play is also a big...

标签: iOS 完美世界